Thursday, August 25, 2011

United You Stand Divided You Fall

When running in a primary for your party's nomination to represent the Commonwealth of Virginia in the U.S. Senate it is always a good idea to attract as many people who are your natural allies as possible. When people endorse your campaign in my opinion it is up to you to take that endorsement and run with it. You should never complain that those who endorse you are not doing enough for your campaign. Apparently that is what has happened between Jamie Radtke, candidate for for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate from the Commonwealth of Virginia and Eric Erickson of Red State Blog.

Michelle of the Richmond Patriots has a great blog on what the Civil War is all about. I have posted it below for you to read.

"Jamie Radtke's endorsement problem or credibility problem, you decide.

There is a battle brewing in the Virginia GOP Primary for the U.S. Senate and this time it is not between candidate. It is between GOP Primary Candidate, Jamie Radtke and Red State blogger Erick Erickson. Here how it plays out, last January shortly after both Jamie Radtke and George Allen had declare there candidacies, Erickson weighed in with a hit piece on Allen and an endorsement of Radtke, which he stated that he wished both candidates well, but that he would be supporting Ms. Radtke.

So apparently the Radtke's campaign is having some sort of issue with with Erickson. Today in Politico ( this was posted:
  • Erickson told Allen’s challenger, Jamie Radtke, that he had to moderate his support for her because “my bosses are huge Allen friends,” according to an email he sent earlier this month, which her campaign manager forwarded to POLITICO.
  • The conservative media powerhouse Eagle Publishing, which owns the venerable conservative journal Human Events and the prolific Regnery Publishing, has published RedState since 2007. Eagle Publishing President Jeffrey Carneal contributed $1,000 to Allen's last Senate campaign.
  • Erickson, who prides himself on breaking with the GOP establishment, softened his stand after initially casting a conservative challenge to Allen as a key tea party test, and his shift offers a glimpse at some of the forces at work behind the partisan commentariat.
  • He entered the primary with a bang in January. Warning that Allen’s record had “serious problems” on “issues which are, for the most part, at the core of the tea party movement,” Erickson endorsed Radtke, a conservative activist.
  • “This race may be the big grass roots vs. party establishment race of 2012 and a test of the tea party’s continued momentum,” wrote Erickson, who is also a CNN contributor.
  • The endorsement, Radtke campaign manager Carter Wrenn said, gave the campaign a boost. But soon, he noticed that RedState wasn’t giving Radtke’s campaign much attention.
  • “The word came back to me that the people who own Human Events and RedState were for Allen and had asked Erickson to step back,” he said. 
Several things strike me about this, first why would Radtke's campaign even bring this up and second, could this be true. Well, shortly after a rebuttal was posted on Red State by Erickson "Regarding Jamie Radtke"
  • I was fortunate not to witness Jamie Radtke’s speech at the RedState Gathering. Fortunate because. . .well . . . here are reviews of her speech from various witnesses to the train wreck,
Here were some of the comments from his post:
  • I tried to cut myself with a butter knife, it was so horrendous and never-ending.
  • and she gets an invite, gets a nice slot to talk, gets drunk, and gets so embarrassing that I have to duck away rather than embarrass her further with interviewing her.
  • and I mercifully did not film it.
  • and I hadn’t realized that it was going to be her campaign speech, and then I was mesmerized by the train wreck.
  • and She was a drunk rambling idiot that took 30 minutes to introduce a director who himself was confused.
 So what was Radtke's speech at the Red State Gathering? Well she was not schedule to give a speech she was merely to give an introduction to Stephen Bannon, the director to the Sarah Palin film, "The Undefeated".

Erickson did however admit in his post that, "Actually, my bosses at Eagle Publishing do in fact have a relationship with George Allen, and a very good one, and asked me — after I endorsed her — to please go slow for once instead of shooting first and asking questions later."

O.k. going slow and backing off are two different things in my opinion. In the world of politics, especially in a race that is, at the time, over a year away going slow is a prudent thing to do. There are a lot of unknowns, like who else will be entering the race. But besides that I was reminded of a post from a local blogger who question Erickson endorsement of Radtke and documented this "shooting first" style.
  • See the potential problem for Ms. Radtke is that Erickson also has a record. In his case it’s a record of supporting Tea Party Candidates for the Senate. Let’s review:
  • In Nevada last year, Erickson started out supporting the candidacy of Danny Tarkanian who was running for the nomination against Sue Lowden, whom Erickson described as establishment. On May 11th, Erickson said “I’m with Danny Tarkanian and I hope you will be too.” But on May 19th he said, “If I’m going to be consistent in trying to get the viable conservative elected, the rule must apply in Nevada too and that means you should not be surprised if very soon I’m urging everyone to get on board Sharon Angle’s campaign bus.” Which he did, and promptly backed over Danny Tarkanian.
  • In California, Erickson was an early on supporter of Chuck DeVore, saying as late as May 5th “I’m staying with Chuck DeVore.” But just six days later he said “Look, if Chuck DeVore hasn’t gone up in the polls within two weeks significantly, I’ll be with Carly Fiorina.”
  • Move on to Delaware where in June, Erickson gave a lukewarm endorsement of Christine O’Donnell, “But this is one of those unique election years where anything can happen. ‘Anything’, in this case, is Christine O’Donnell getting elected. It could happen. I want to help make it happen. But at the end of the day, as long as Mike Castle loses I’m good.’ To Erickson’s credit, he admitted it was an uphill battle, which was a good thing because in September he said “I want Christine O’Donnell to win. Tea Party Express’s polling notwithstanding, I don’t think she will. And I cannot bring myself to spend an ounce of energy more to help when there are other candidates out there with better chances who need our help…I’m done and pulling the plug.” O’Donnell went on to win the primary, and was congratulated at RedState. But she lost the election.
  • In fact, all of these candidates once endorsed by Erickson lost.
You can read the rest of that post  Here.

This is not to say that Erickson is wrong in his assessment of Jamie Radtke but to illustrate that maybe he does have the tendency to jump in before all the facts are known.

Either way, it is still unclear to me why Radkte's campaign would even orchestrate such a hit piece on Red State and Erickson. In doing so, she called attention to her campaign misstep of a 30 minute introduction that was apparently so bad that there is NO video to be found. Which says A LOT about the poor people who were in attendance.

Radtke could have gracefully walked away and no one in Virginia would have even known about the event, instead she has stirred up a campaign problem. As Erickson said, her game may indeed be over.

Michelle did a fantastic job in putting together what has happened and her analyses is spot on!

As you can see the Radtke Campaign has made a HUGE tactical mistake and stirred up a hornets nest and that is never a good thing. Unfortunately everybody concerned has resorted to fighting with those who are their natural allies.

We in the Patriot/Tea Party Movement believe in Limited Government, Low Taxes, Balancing the Budget, Free Enterprise System, Restoring Constitution, and Rolling back the Socialist Programs. Every single person involved in this stupid Civil War may differ on how we get there but we ALL believe in the same principles listed above.

Will someone please explain to me why everyone and I mean EVERYONE involved are bound and determined to get down in the gutter, sling mud, pull hair, gouge eyes out, bite and kick each other?

Memo for the Radtke Campaign for attacking Eric Erickson and to Eric Erickson for doing a terrible job in responding. There are more important issues in this day and time besides your overly inflated EGOS. We are all on the same side so get up out of the gutter, shake hands, go clean off the mud and get on with the business at hand that is the defeat of the Progressive Democrats, Tim Kaine and his master Barack Hussein Obama II.

A little friendly advice for Eric Erickson, stop shooting from the hip and stick with and help those you endorse!

A little friendly advice for the Radtke Campaign, stop shooting yourself in the foot and alienating those who are your natural allies. You could learn something from the current Allen Campaign!

That is all!!!


UPDATE!!!!! 5:15pm 8/25/11

Apparently there has been a bit of a retraction by Eric Erickson at RedState. Below is what he posted on his blog this afternoon.

"Jamie Radtke tells Scott Conroy of Real Clear Politics that she feels it is libelous for observers of her speech to say she was drunk as she says she was not drinking.


Jamie Radtke says she was not drinking and I will believe her.

That, friends, makes reports of her performance at the RedState Gathering even more appalling.

UPDATED: There is now a letter from the campaign lawyer demanding an apology.

Okay. I’m sorry I put up reviews of Jamie Radtke’s speech from people who saw it and thought she had been drinking. She says she had not been drinking. I’ll take her at her word for it. That does then suggest she needs some serious work on giving speeches if people who saw her speaking not under the influence presumed that she was under the influence."
This still hasn't changed a thing. I still refer them to my comments above!

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Is the Sky Falling?

When you turn on the Television News or listen to Talk Radio you can't help but to think that the "Sky is Falling" and the "World is coming to an End!" But are we? I say we are not. Yes, we have some very serious problems that need immediate attention like.

  • Fix Federal Government Budget and Fiscal Problems.
  • Re-start the Economy.
  • Restore the Constitution.
  • Reverse 100 years of Progressive Socialism.
  • Global Financial Problems
  • Turmoil from Europe to the Middle East to China

These are very daunting problems that are not easily fixed. No wonder people feel like the "Sky is Falling." There are a number of crisis that our people had to deal with throughout our history that were just as bad or worse. Here are just a few.

  • The American Revolution (our first civil war)
  • The Civil War (our second Civil War)
  • World War I
  • The Great Depression
  • World War II
  • Vietnam War
  • 1968
1968? Why 1968? For those who were born before 1964 you will probably remember what it was like. For those of you who were born after 1964 you may not know what happened. Be sure to watch the following six videos to get a good idea of what it was like.


Hopefully you watched all of the videos because if you did you will see that 1968 came very close to becoming our third Civil War. You can also see the roots of the problems we face today. The far left infiltrated the young people protesting the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement and the Democratic Party. We can now find the very same people responsible for the protest in 1968 are now in the bureaucracies of the local, state and federal governments, Universities & Colleges, Congress, State Legislatures & Governorships and one of their students occupies the Presidency of the United States.

By the end of 1968 the left had all but completely taken over the Democratic Party. This caused many moderate and conservative Democrats to flee to the Republican Party. The Democrats have been fighting class warfare ever sense. The modern Big Spenders got their Big Start in 1964 and with a few exceptions has continued until 2008 when it got a shot of steroids from the Progressive Democrats and Obama.

As bad as the country and the world appears to be it could be a lot worse. America "The Sky is not Falling." We will fix the problems. It will take imagination, innovation, time and a lot of hard work but, it will happen. We started to turn this huge ship around in 2009 (Virginia & New Jersey) and continued the turnaround in the Mid-Term Elections of 2010. Now it is up to us to continue our efforts in 2012 by flipping the Senate and kicking Obama out of the White House.

Have faith in your fellow Patriots, Tea Partiers and Conservatives!

November 2012 is Coming!!!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @95SVTCobraVA


Thursday, August 11, 2011

True American Hero's

When we heard the news about the shoot down if the Special Forces Chinook helicopter and the death of 30 brave Americans we were all heart broken. No Patriotic American can hear the news about the death of American lives and not be touched.

The Elite Military units such as the Navy Seals, Delta Force, Army Rangers, Air Force Special Operations and Marine Recon deserve all of the accolades they receive. They are extremely brave warriors who go into extremely dangerous places to serve our country and protect our freedoms.

Let's not forget about the everyday G.I. Joe and G.I. Jane who risk their lives defending our country and sometimes paying the ultimate price. They serve everywhere from the United States to Afghanistan, from Germany to Iraq, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and don't forget about the skies above.

We have lost many brave service men and women over the last ten years who paid the ultimate price with their lives. Thousands have been wounded in the body and the mind because of wars we asked them to fight. Their family's have had to deal with the trauma of loosing a loved one or having to help them heal. Thank god the vast majority of them have returned safe and sound and are readjusting to life here in the states.

All of our Brave Military Service Men and Women are "True American Hero's" and deserve our gratitude and respect. Be sure to thank them when you see them.

Be sure to comment in the Comment Section below.

You can follow me on Twitter @95SVTCobraVA


Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Patriot/Tea Party Terrorist

Well you have come a long way baby! They started off by calling us Kooks, Astro-Turfers Tea Baggers, Racist and now we have graduated to earn the moniker of right-wing Terrorist. What is absolutely amazing to me is that those on the left who claim to represent the people in our government are the ones pushing those descriptions.

It has taken over 110 years for us to get to this point in our history but, for me in 2008 we crossed through the door into "The Twilight Zone." What was black is now white. What was right is now wrong. The country to many people like myself seems to be totally upside down.

We have for many years been frustrated with the out of control spending that Washington is addicted to, not to mention trashing our Constitution. So in the "Winter of 2009" we watched as Rick Santelli went into his famous "Tea Party Rant" and that was the spark that ignited a Movement. The people started to gather in cites and towns all over this country. We finally realized that we were not alone. We were "Mad As Hell And We're Not Going To Take It Anymore!" The Sleeping Giant had awakened and was in a VERY BAD MOOD!

The press and the Political Elites in both parties had no idea what had happened. Who are these people?Where did they come from? What do they want? They were dumbfounded. We are the voters and many of us had voted for the nuts running the asylum. We came from every corner of this country. We want the Nuts in charge to stop spending us into oblivion, listen to us, obey the Constitution and get the hell out of our lives.

Those Political Elites who were threatened the most were the ones calling us all kinds of names hoping we would cower in the corner and go home. Well we didn't and our movement just kept getting stronger. We ambushed those Political Elites at Town Halls throughout the summer of 2009 over Obamacare and other issues. They were still dumbfounded. You could see those little wheels in their heads turning and that little voice saying. Who are these people? Where did they come from?

You just knew the Political Elites were going to have a seizure when an estimated 1.5 million people showed up at the U.S. Capital on September 12, 2009, yelling at the building. "DO YOU HEAR US NOW!" They heard us all right but they were not listening. On Christmas Eve in 2009, the Senate passed Obamacare 60–39 over the objections of most Americans. Obamacare was then sent to the House where it passed 219–212 on March 19, 2010, after numerous protest on the Capital grounds. Many states revolted and sued the Federal Government over Obamacare.

To the Patriot/Tea Party Movement passing Obamacare was tantamount to a declaration of war and so the new rallying cry went out "November 2010 is Coming!" And boy did it! Not only did the Republicans take over the House of Representatives they also cut the Progressive Democrats lead in the Senate from 59-41 to 53-47. Just as important the The Republicans reaped large gains in the State Legislatures and Governorships.

All though we have had some setbacks and we do not always get what we want. The Patriot/Tea Party Movement has enormous influence on the direction that the Local, State and now the Federal Governments are taking and as long as we stay engaged we will continue to have major influence.

That is why the far left goes to great lengths to to demonise the Patriot/Tea Party Movement. They have called us everything in the book. They accuse the movement of starting violence even though the evidence is overwhelming that it is the left who is responsible for most of the political violence in this country. Thankfully that is not a major problem so far.

The Left and their allies in the "Main Stream Media" fear the Patriot/Tea Party Movement and what they represent. Just like passengers flying in an airliner will no longer put up with hijackers and terrorist and go down without a fight. The Patriot/Tea Party Movement will no longer put up with what the Political Elites and the peons in the media try to shove down our throats. Wear the insults as a badge of honor and lets turn our country around and make it the best it can possible be. Remember who your enemy is, the Progressive Democrats!

We owe the Conservative Republicans a debt of gratitude for standing up to the Progressives and the President. We need to support them and send them more re-enforcements in 2012.

Thank you Patriot/Tea Party Republicans!

"November 2012 is Coming!"

Be sure to comment in the Comment Section below.

You can also follow me on Twitter @95SVTCobraVA


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Budget Control Act of 2011

WOW! Where do you start? I have not commented on "The Great Debt Debate of 2011" because everytime I thought I had something to comment on they would change the parameters as fast as you would change a two month old's diapers! So I decided to wait until the dust settled a little.

The Budget Control Act of 2011 is now law and nobody likes it. WOW! Big surprise! So who won this debate if no one likes the bill? In my opinion the Patriot/Tea Party Conservatives won a small victory. The Republican Establishment in general does not like it because it is imperfect as described by Speaker Boehner. The Democrats hate it because it does not tax Millionaires, Billionaires and Corporate Jet owners and anyone who makes $250,000 or more. The Patriot/Tea Party Conservatives do not like it because it does not cut enough nor does it balance the budget.

Just for the hell of it lets go over the outline as presented by Speaker Boehner in his 7-31-11 Debt-Framework Power Point presentation to the House Republicans. If you want a more detailed look at the actual bill that was passed you can click this link to the Budget Control Act of 2011.

Emerging framework has three main features:
(1) cuts government spending more than it increases the debt limit;
(2) implements spending caps to restrain future spending;
(3) advances the cause of a Balanced Budget Amendment
Framework accomplishes this without tax hikes, which would
destroy jobs, while preventing a job-killing national default.
Sounds good doesn't it? Of course the devil is in the details.

(1) Same as House-passed bill, the framework includes no tax hikes.
(2) Under the framework, the Joint Committee of Congress will work off a current-law baseline, as required by the 1974 Budget Act, effectively making it impossible for Joint Committee to increase taxes.
On the surface this sounds great. Anyone with any common sense will tell you that you "DO NOT RAISE TAXES" in a recession. Now if you can find any tax increases or new taxes in the Budget Control Act of 2011 please post them in the comment section below.

I am very curious to see how this so called "Joint Committee of Congress" will work or get anything accomplished.

(1) Same as House-passed bill, framework includes spending cuts that exceed the amount of the increased debt authority granted to POTUS.
(2) Would cut & cap discretionary spending immediately, saving $917B over 10 years (certified by CBO) & raise the debt ceiling by less – $900B – to approximately February.
(3) Before debt ceiling can be raised, Congress and the president must enact spending cuts of a larger amount first.
This is where this debate gets messy. Fist of all, projecting anything beyond two years is absolutely ridiculous. They have no idea what is going to happen and this is nothing but a play on the numbers.

In 1998 did Congress foresee the economic calamity of the Fall of 2008 coming? Of course they didn't. Did Congress foresee the housing bubble that began to pop in the spring of 2008? Of course they didn't. Did Congress foresee the huge spike in oil prices in the fall of 2007 to the summer of 2008? Of course they didn't. If they could we would not be in as bad of a situation as we are in today.
(1) As in House-passed bill, framework imposes spending caps that
would set clear limits on future spending & serve as barrier against gov’t expansion while economy grows.
(2) Failure to remain below these caps triggers automatic across the board cuts (“sequestration”). Same mechanism used in 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
Okay, okay you can stop your snickering now. We all know that Congress does such a bang up job at obeying the law and their own rules. Had they obeyed the "1997 Balanced Budget Agreement" we would have paid or be well on our way to paying off the "National Debt." What a concept.
(1) Same as House-passed bill, framework requires both House & Senate to vote on a BBA after Oct. 1, 2011 but before the end of year.

    (a) Joint Committee cuts spending by greater amount than the requested debt limit hike,
    (b) A Balanced Budget Amendment is sent to the states.
(3) Creates incentive for previous opponents of a BBA to now support it.
Now this a fantastic idea. I do not know of anyone who is against a "Balance Budget Amendment" but, of course I do not hang out with Socialist. I do have a concern though. I want to the language of that amendment before I give my support.

Now folks we all know that the Balance Budget Amendment will not pass the Senate so this is probably dead for now.
(1) Sets up a new sequestration process to cut spending across the board and ensure that any debt limit increase is met with greater spending cuts if the Joint Committee fails to achieve at least $1.2T in deficit reduction.
(2) If this happens, POTUS may request up to $1.2T for a debt limit increase, and if granted, then across the board spending cuts would result that would equal the difference between $1.2T and the deficit reduction enacted as a result of Joint Committee.
(3) Across the board spending cuts would apply to FYs 2013-2021, and apply to both mandatory & discretionary programs.
(4) Total reductions would be equally split between defense and non-defense programs. Across-the-board cuts would also apply to Medicare. Other programs, including Social Security, Medicaid, veterans, and civil & military pay, would be exempt.
(5) Sequestration process is designed to guarantee that Congress acts on the Joint Committee’s legislation to cut spending.
Ahhh  yes, the Elephant in the room "Entitlement Reforms and Savings." We all know that we have to do something about Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid and I will not go into those subjects right now.

My concern is if the so called "Joint Committee of Congress" fails to reach the cuts specified and across the board cuts are enacted equally between Defence, Non-Defence Programs and Medicare how will that affect our ability to support our troops in the field? That's a question I would like answered.

As it stands IF Congress lives up to its word (I know that's a big if) this will be a good victory for the Patriot/Tea Party movement but it is only one victory in a very long war against the Progressive Democrats. Obviously it is not everything we wanted but we should give a standing ovation to all of Conservatives who stood their ground and were able to make this victory a reality. They are truly Patriots!

Our work is far from complete. We need to defeat as many Democrats in November 2012 as we can. It is imperative that we send our "Conservative Patriots" more re-enforcements. We need to increase our numbers in the House." Take control of the Senate with enough "Conservative Patriots" to keep the Democrats from causing lots of trouble. Of course it includes kicking Barack Obama and his entourage out of the White House once and for all.

Be sure to comment in the Comment Section below.

You can also follow me on Twitter @95SVTCobraVA
